20 thoughts on “Follow Me”

  1. Hi,
    I don’t know if you’ll get this but I’d really appreciate it if you did. I’m planning on buying your book I Wrote This for You, but I’m confused on the difference between it and I Wrote This for You: Just the Words. Could you please explain?

    1. No problem: The original I Wrote This For You contains both the words and the pictures from the blog – the “Just The Words” edition has more poetry and prose in it, but no pictures. We created it as a cheaper alternative to the original as it’s about $10 less.

  2. Hi, my name is Willow. I just wanted to tell you how much your books mean to me. I read Intentional Dissonance and I am always picking up both of my copies of I Wrote This For You and reading. I also write short poems and would love to be able to email you personally about your writing. I am a huge fan. Let me know how I can get in contact with you if you do not mind.
    Thanks 🙂

  3. what inspired you to write IWTFY? It’s a beautiful book, I have read my copy so many times it’s nearly torn down.

  4. Never knew you existed until minutes ago when an old coworker posted a quote of yours on Facebook…wtf. I just got done working my part-time psyc nurse job and need to study for law school tomorrow. Damn you. Buying something of yours is on my list for summer. Haven’t loved reading this much since high school literature class almost 20 years ago–when all I wanted to do was write! Again, damn you.

  5. Hi Iain

    My apologies for attempting to contact you in this indirect and public way. I am currently doing research for a PhD on Speculative (or Science) Fiction by South African authors. I can’t seem to find any info on NewLand, the setting of Intentional Dissonance. Is it in Africa? I try to find these things out before decimating my research budget. Your help would be greatly appreciated.


    1. Hi Alan, I don’t specifically name any geographical area in the book, purposefully – the same is true for every other literary work I’ve done – you’re welcome to email me if you’d like to know any more: pleasefindthis at gmail dot com

  6. thankyou For making these books possible I have read all of your books more than five times. You and your books have impacted me drastically more than words can explain they were there for me when no one was, and I have to say you are my favorite other I have so much love for you. You might not see this but thank you for helping me even though you weren’t there physicly.

  7. Hello, I am using your poem “The Things I Would’ve Said” in poetry portfolio for my class. I was wondering if you poem is addressing a passed person who you can no longer say these things to, or if it is just for the idea in general?

    1. Hi Allie, sorry for the late reply. I found out a few years ago that a friend of mine from childhood had a few drinks, got into a big fight with his brother over something relatively minor, and hung himself from a ceiling fan. That’s where the poem comes from. He might not have listened to me because he was drunk and I know that depression isn’t as simple as I’m making it out to be in this poem but I wanted to try and re-contextualise the act of suicide as something that requires strength, and how that strength might be used for the act of living. I hope I’m not too late to help with your class, I wish you luck with the project, Iain.

  8. I just read I wrote this for you and I wrote this for you just the words. I loved them both, thanks for writing something that’s both inspiring and relatable

  9. I bought your book, “I wrote this for you and only you” last week for my birthday. I asked a young lady who works for Barnes and Nobles, “what is your favorite book?” and she brought me yours, now it is my favorite book! Thank you for your insight and your creativity. I look forward to reading more from you. I am sorry that South Africa has not embraced your writings but am so glad that other publishers have seen your worth. Please keep writing and I will keep reading.

  10. Hello,
    I don’t know if you will ever see or read this but I want you to know that I really appreciate you as an author. I recently just purchased your book “How to be Happy Not a Self-Help Book. Seriously.” and I have to say that this is my favorite book of all time. At first, I believed the book was going to be completely different from how it is and I absolutely love it!!! I truly believe that you’re an amazing and inspiring author and I am planning to purchase more of your books in the near future. Is there any that you would recommend? I admire that you wanted to share so much with your audience and published such an interesting and unique book.

    1. Thank you for your kind words! The I Wrote This For You series is my most popular one, and that’s recently been re-released as a “Best Of” collection called “I Wrote This For You: 2007 – 2017” – keep an eye out for it!

  11. Hello!

    My name is Madeleine, and I am an art student at Emily Carr University of Art and Design. I am reaching out to you because I have a research project due and was hoping that you would be able to answer any or all of the below questions to help me with my research and completing my project.

    Don’t feel obligated to answer them all, anything helps!

    1. I have recently completed a poetry/photo book and am trying to figure out the best way to go about publishing it. Would you suggest self-publishing or sending samples to agents in hopes of a publishing house picking up the book? What route did you take?
    2. How long did it take until you found someone or until someone found your book?
    3. On a more personal level, did you always want to be writer? When did you know? When did you start and what made you start?
    4. Is there any other advice that you would give a hopeful writer trying to get a book published?

    Thank you in advance! Any advice is greatly appreciated! ☺

    Madeleine Althammer

    1. Hi Madeleine,

      1. I built an audience online, so when I did approach a publisher I could show them that there was an existing readership who the book would appeal to, that’s become harder to do as facebook/instagram and so on have become more and more locked down, and often reaching people on those platforms these days means paying for the privilege.

      2. I started publishing my work online in 2007 and in 2011 we found a publisher.

      3. Yes, just not always professionally, writing for me has always just been something I do. I had a successful career in advertising but wanted to do something with more meaning, so I started publishing my work on the internet and eventually it became very popular.

      4. You just have to keep writing and sharing what you write. It might take a while but eventually, if it’s good, it will reach the right people.

      My best and good luck,


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